(828) 450-4778
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Arden Fence, Deck, & Construction Company
(828) 772-7991(828) 450-4778
Arden Fence, Deck, & Construction Company|Asheville, NC 28748|(828) 450-4778

Transform Your Home with Arden Fence, Deck, & Construction Company

Arden Fence, Deck, & Construction Company offers so much more than just fencing and decking! Our talented crews can also transform your house into your dream home with expert remodeling services. From interior projects to exterior siding replacements or upgrades, we’ll boost your home’s curb appeal so you can fall in love with your property all over again.
We are a locally owned company serving Asheville, NC, and Western North Carolina. Our expert team is talented, creative, and experienced, treating every project as an individual testament to their work ethic. Call us at (828) 450-4778 today for a custom quote!

Bathroom & Basement Remodeling

Our expert crews can do it all, including bathroom remodels and basement remodels! We’ll work with you to design the space of your dreams and bring it to life. Once we’re finished, you’ll be left with a gorgeous new basement or bathroom area you’ll be proud to show off to guests.
While Arden Fence, Deck, & Construction Company does not handle complex electrical work, we will lay all the necessary groundwork for a licensed electrician to step in and seamlessly finish the project. Give us a call at (828) 450-4778 for your custom quote, or fill out the form below. We can’t wait to work with you!

Remodeling Projects for the Best Return on Your Investment:

Let’s Get Started

Our expert crews are ready to bring your project to life! Whether you need a wrought iron fence for your business, a high tensile fence for your livestock, or a wooden fence for your home, we deliver exceptional results you will be proud to show off. Call Arden Fence, Deck, & Construction Company at (828) 450-4778 or fill out the form below to get started! We look forward to serving you.

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